Greek School

Our first-grade students are busy learning how to read in Greek and are doing wonderfully!
They have learned so many words!

The high-schoolers are tackling more difficult reading material and also translating lenten recipes from Greek to English. Here is one of those recipes.

Vefa’s Lenten

Rotini with Eggplant Sauce

(translated by the 2014-15 HTGOC Greek School with

gratitude to Mrs. Vefa Alexiathou)


3 lbs eggplant

¼ cup oil

2 cloves garlic

2 lbs ripe tomatoes, skinned, seeded and chopped

2 tbs catsup

20 drops tabasco sauce

¼ cup finely chopped basil or mint

¾ lbs Rotini pasta

Non-dairy shredded cheese (optional)




  1. Cut the eggplant into small cubes.
  2. In a strainer, salt the eggplant and let it sit for 1 hour.
  3. Rinse and press down to release excess water.
  4. Fry lightly in a deep fryer.
  5. In a large pot add the oil and saute the garlic lightly.
  6. Add tomato, tabasco sauce and catsup.
  7. Simmer until sauce thickens.
  8. When it’s almost ready, add the herbs and eggplant.
  9. Boil the rotini for 8 minutes in salted water and 2 tbs of oil.
  10. Drain and serve in warm plates with plenty of sauce and non-dairy cheese.