All Ministries

At Holy Trinity, we offer a number of ministries to suit various needs and interests. They all serve a single aim: to bring us ever-deeper into union with God, with one another, and with all creation.

The following ministries are offered, though there’s a continual evolution in both current ministries and new ministries. For more information, to get involved, or to connect with lay ministry leaders, please reach out to our parish office at or (616) 454-6563.

Gift Shop

  • A wide variety of books, icons, prayer ropes, vigil candles, censers, religious cards, and more

Adult Faith Enrichment


  • Various opportunities each year
  • We have deep, active relationships with the following missionaries, and offer regular support in the form of prayer and monetary donations:
    • Guatemala: Jesse & Juanita Brandow. Tens of thousands in Guatemala are finding the original Church and converting to Orthodoxy. Jesse has launched a Spanish version of ‘Digital Chant Stand’, allowing parishes and individuals to have easy access to the prayers and worship of the ancient Church. Juanita is finishing her hospital rotations, as she prepares to serve the underprivileged in mountain villages. More info about Jesse and Juanita can be found here.
    • Kenya: Fr. Constantinos Eliud & St. Irene Orthodox Orphanage & Mission Center. Beginning with nothing in a remote area 2 hours north of Nairobi, over 200 orphans now have a dignified home and are being raised lovingly in the Orthodox Faith. Here’s a brief history, and here’s the orphanage’s web site.

Social Outreach

  • Face-to-face encounters, hands-on work, material drives, monetary support, a women’s group called Philoptochos (literally ‘love of the poor’), and more

Sunday School

  • Not merely teaching but forming our young ones in the transformative life in Christ

Parish Council

  • The collective preservation – from administration to large scale initiatives – of our parish’s purpose (i.e. why do we exist?): To experience and share Christ’s transformative love, joy, and peace, and thereby be united with God and one another.


  • Choral singing of staple, unchanging components of Divine Liturgy


  • Choral and individual chanting of Matins (Orthros), Vespers, other services, and variable components of the Divine Liturgy


  • The offering of our time, talents, and treasures back to our Lord, Who gives us everything


  • Sharing the fullness of our Orthodox Faith, in accordance with Christ’s final commandment (“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

Women’s Ministry

  • Philoptochos: focused especially on serving the needy, yet also geared toward the formation of women

Men’s Ministry

  • A secure place for men to gather, share, and grow

Parish Festival

  • Each year in late August, we open our spiritual home to share faith, food, culture, and fellowship

Visitation Ministry

  • Due to health and/or age restrictions, we have many home/facility-bound parishioners, whom we visit and serve on a consistent basis

Building Committee

  • The maintenance, development, and beautification of God’s home


  • Sharing who we are and what we are doing

Tuesday Group Lunch (ages 65+)

  • A weekly gathering (Tuesday, 12:00 pm) for our retired parishioners

General Endowment

  • Dedicated to special initiatives both within and outside our parish

Youth Endowment

  • Dedicated to special initiatives for youth, both within and outside our parish

Little Angels (ages 0-5)

  • Forming our precious little ones before they reach the age of Sunday School

Teenage Ministry (“GOYA”: grades 7-12)

  • Regular opportunities for growth in faith, fellowship, charity, and witness, as our teenagers prepare for adulthood when they must make their faith their own

Elementary-age Ministry (“HOPE/JOY”: grades K-6)

  • Simple, regular opportunities to grow in faith and fellowship

Young Adults (ages 18-34)

  • A particularly fast-growing ministry, as young adults hunger for the deeper, lasting fulfillment that only Christ can offer

Mothers' Group

  • Fellowship and education gatherings for our young mothers, usually hosted in parishioner’s homes

Altar Service

  • Assistance with the execution of our worship

Cultural Dance Group

  • Our young people offer dance performances several times each year, including the Parish Festival and the Feast of Annunciation / Greek Independence

Greek School

  • Virtual classes available for school-aged children

Office Volunteers

  • Assisting with mailings and other administrative work